
Week 4 of 4 for the Lent Series “Stained Glass Stories” Speaker: Rev. Dwight Kilbourne Key Text: Mark 12:1-12 Subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify for easy access to sermons! Just search for “Ooltewah UMC”

Using What You Are Given

Week 3 of the Lenten Series “Stained Glass Stories” Pastor Jacqueline Davis-Gines unpacks Jesus’ Parable of the Talents Key text: Matthew 25:14-28 Subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify for easy access to sermons! Just search for “Ooltewah UMC”

Wise or Foolish

Week 2 of the Lenten series “Stained Glass Stories” Speaker: Rev. Dwight Kilbourne Key Text: Matthew 25:1–13 Subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify for easy access to sermons! Just search for “Ooltewah UMC”

Faithful & Thoughtful

Week 1 of the Lenten Series “Stained Glass Stories” Go deeper with the parables Jesus’ told right before His death.  Speaker: Rev. Dwight Kilbourne Key Text: Luke 12:41–48 Subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify for easy access to sermons! Just search for “Ooltewah UMC”