United Women of Faith

They had been followers of Jesus and had cared for him while he was in Galilee. Then they and many other women had come with him to Jerusalem.

From the beginning of Christ’s ministry, women have played and integral role in the Church. This tradition continues today in all areas of the church, both local and worldwide. We invite you to explore the ministries of OUMC tailored specifically for women.

United Women of Faith seek to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Christ Jesus. Our purpose is to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand the concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church. Our goal is to help women, children and youth to have a better way of life. 

Locally we contribute to the Bethlehem Center, the Women’s Violence Center, Camp Lookout for Youth, local youth on mission trips, Chattanooga food bank, and Room in the Inn. We participate in the Spiritual Enrichment Experience at Lake Junaluska, N.C., School of Christian Mission, and A Day Apart, and district mission trips.

To join this faithful group of Christ-followers please contact:

United Women of Faith's Groups

Have you ever wondered what SIS or UWF stand for?  UWF stands for United Women of Faith. At OUMC our UWF Unit is made up of two Circles (small groups).
The SIS (Sisters in Service) Circle now meets on the 3rd Monday of each month in the Huddleston Room at 6:30 pm. This group is primarily made up of women who are still working outside the home. The focus of the SIS group is service. They cook dinner for the Recovery Ministry once per month and several of the members help facilitate groups for Co-Dependency and Divorce Care in Recovery. They also serve at the Samaritan Center 3-4 times per year and help support missions of the church. Several members  also serve in district level positions for UWF.
The Alpha Circle meets on the first Thursday of the month in the morning. They are a group of wonderful ladies that actively support many organizations in the Ooltewah/Chattanooga area with their donations of resources, food, toiletries, etc. They frequently have guest speakers at their meetings to help them stay informed on current topics and issues. Many of the ladies are also a part of the Prayer Shawl Ministry which provide blankets for new babies, prayer shawls for the ill and in May we took 150+ little hats for newborns in the Columbus, Ohio hospitals when several of us attended the UWF Assembly meeting in Ohio.
In United Women of Faith, we are always looking to find ways to help serve others and be the hands and feet of Jesus. Please feel welcome to check out our circles and find a place where you can be welcomed and serve.  Come and join us!