But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such as these to worship him.
John 4:23, NRSV
A Church that Honors God and is Relevant in Worship
In Ooltewah we have two unique Sunday worship venues. Contemporary Worship is led by a dynamic band that helps us enter into relationship with God in our modern world. Our Traditional Methodist Worship in the Sanctuary seeks to honor God and be relevant in our lives and community.
Traditional Worship Experience
Sundays at 9:00a in the Sanctuary.
What makes traditional worship ‘traditional’ at OUMC? There’s a lot that goes into it, but it’s why we
do it that’s important. Our love for Christ, and the love He has for us, is shown in a simple handshake, a smile, and a heartfelt welcome to all who enter God’s house. Our joy is palpable and present as we sing together “How great Thou art!”. Our beliefs and faith are affirmed in our hearts when we hear and speak the words of the Apostle’s Creed, “We believe in God, the Father Almighty…”. We show reverence to God’s word as we stand to hear the scripture lesson. When the bells ring, or the brass sound, or the children’s choir sings “Jesus loves me, this I know…”, we are reminded of who we need to be and to Whom we belong. There are many other things that make up our traditional worship, but, first and foremost, we strive to give praise and worship to our God, who brought us together in love and calls us to change the world.

Contemporary Worship Experience
Sundays at 11:00a in the Worship Center.
Experience worship led by a professional band singing today’s music, cutting edge technology, and a relevant message. Don’t forget to grab a cup of coffee prior to worship. This is great place to get energized and have a good conversation. When you join us for the Contemporary Service it is most convenient to park in the main parking lot as you enter the campus from Relocation Way.

First Time with Us?
Stop by guest info in the Worship Center or ask an usher for a gift bag. We have a special gift for you and some information about life and ministries at Ooltewah UMC.